About Us

Our Story
Chandigarh Organic Farmers Market (COFM) was formally started in June 2015 by a group of pioneering organic farmers from Chandigarh, Punjab & Haryana.
COFM is organised by Chandigarh Holistic Agricultre Initiative (CHAI) a co-operative association of like-minded farmers & consumers.
All farmers that are part of COFM go through a detailed 50+ point audit and farm inspection before they join COFM. Subsequent farm monitoring, crop and agri input details are updated on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the nature of crops being grown by the farmer.
As per one of the foundational and mutually agreed upon principle of COFM, synthetic or store bought commercial agri inputs of any kind are not used by any COFM farmer.
Delivering Wholesome Food with Farm Traceability Guarantee
Fresh, healthy, organic fruits, vegetables, groceries, snacks, baked goodies and more - available right at your doorsteps directly from verified & traceable organic farms.
Environmental Sustainability is a key focus of COFM
3Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Except for a couple of products (which have non-polluting choice option for package) we only use Paper & Cloth Bags and Glass Bottles/Jars for packaging.
For storage we use re-purposed plastic containers & new metal/glass containers.​
Supporting Local Farmers
All the organic produce is sourced from farmers within 3 hours driving distance from Chandigarh. Few exceptions being Rajasthan & Himachal farmers.