Sabina Singh has an eight acres farm in Bahadurgarh, Patiala, which has been wholly organic since April 2017. She has undertaken multiple courses in bio-dynamic agriculture and has a ten year experience in this area.
"My home in the US has been organic for over 20 years now , so it was a natural extension to learn and clean up our own lands here."
The farm was started with 6 months of continuous Auro-green manuring and there's a specific focus on bio-diversity as against quantity. There are over 260 trees at the farm (timber, medicinal, heritage trees and fruits), besides shrubs, and crops (oil seeds, sugarcane, grains, lentils, spices, vegetables and fruits). The farm has three free-range cows that provide manure only.
The farm has a thirty- feet organic buffer zone to mitigate risks of cross contamination from surrounding areas. Lastly, the farm does not use any disposable plastics for storage, processing and packaging, only eco-friendly & reusable materials are used.
"Every time you purchase organic produce, you inspire other farmers to grow organic.
Let’s join together to leave clean lands, clean water, clean air for our children"